What is the most stable boat hull design

Photographs What is the most stable boat hull design

The most stable boat hull design depends largely on the type of boat, and the conditions it's used in. To make things simple, I've made a neat overview below. What is the most stable boat hull design? Generally, multihulls and deep-V hulls are considered the most stable hull designs in most situations. The most stable boat hull design is considered the flat bottom hull. This kind of design offers more stability than the rest due to its flattened bottom. Flat bottom hulls include smand also listed here are several images coming from different options

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Hull Design - Applied Concepts Unleashed Yacht Design
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Simple Sailing Low Cost Cruising: Understanding Boat Hull
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Perfect Boat Hull Designs | Sport Fishing Magazine
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Here Are the Most Stable Boat Hull Designs with Examples
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Ellis Downeast Semi-displacement Hull Design - Ellis Boat

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