How to make a sailboat mast

Pictures How to make a sailboat mast

If you are making a mast, you will want to taper the pole. Rather than apply a consistent taper, boatmakers like to use a gentle arc. Think of a blade of grass bending in a breeze. This provides strength when the sail is tugging on the mast. Draw a center line in pencil on your stock. If the mast of your sailboat passes through your cabin top, you need a good seal with a mast boot to prevent water from entering the cabin. You can buy an expensive one or make your own from inexpensialong with underneath are a number of photographs via several solutions

15' wooden mast for a sailboat : 7 steps with pictures

15' Wooden Mast for a Sailboat : 7 Steps with Pictures
mast sailing - wikipedia

Mast sailing - Wikipedia
diy sailboat kit: how to build a boat from scratch

DIY Sailboat Kit: How To Build A Boat From Scratch
un-stepping the mast – the rigging company

Un-stepping the Mast – The Rigging Company
how to knock up a mast from a lamp post – yacht mollymawk

How to knock up a mast from a lamp post – Yacht Mollymawk

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